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Zilp-Zalp is an open
source, free and freely usable software solution for
digital-analog contact tracing. This page documents the various
protocols and applications that make up Zilp-Zalp.
Zilp-Zalp, unlike almost all other solutions, relies primarily
on a contact tracing system that combines digital and analogue
processes in an innovative way. This is important from our point of
view, as a contact tracing system should be usable by everyone in
the company.
Fully digital solutions such as the Corona alert app cannot
reach large populations and therefore effectively exclude them from
contact tracing. Some primarily digital-oriented systems offer
workarounds for analogue contact tracing, but generally do not
provide a high level of data protection for them (see e.g. LucaTrack).
In contrast to these systems for users, Zilp-Zalp primarily
relies on an analogue, paper-based form of contact tracking, which
also works without technical knowledge, offers a very high level of
data protection and is uncomplicated to use. This form of contact
tracking is also more accessible and usable by almost everyone.
Only the one-time initialization process requires a user to use a
web application; this process can also be made accessible to almost
everyone with the support of third parties.
For operators of localities (restaurants, pubs, etc.), on the
other hand, Zilp-Zalp creates opportunities to carry out visit
documentation asynchronously (e.g. daily). This is enormously
important for many operators, as they do not always have the
necessary infrastructure to carry out direct documentation or it is
not logistically possible (e.g. at large events). Here, too,
Zilp-Zalp tries to innovatively combine analogue processes with
technological solutions.
In contrast to "self-check-in" systems, Zilp-Zalp also offers
hardly any attack surface for misuse, as has already been demonstrated
for other systems.
Finally, unlike other providers, Zilp-Zalp relies entirely on an
open and federated infrastructure.
Zilp-Zalp is an open source, free and freely usable software solution for digital-analog contact tracing. This page documents the various protocols and applications that make up Zilp-Zalp.
Zilp-Zalp supports several protocols, including paper-based contact tracing and digital contact tracing.
What makes Zilp-Zalp
Zilp-Zalp, unlike almost all other solutions, relies primarily on a contact tracing system that combines digital and analogue processes in an innovative way. This is important from our point of view, as a contact tracing system should be usable by everyone in the company.
Fully digital solutions such as the Corona alert app cannot reach large populations and therefore effectively exclude them from contact tracing. Some primarily digital-oriented systems offer workarounds for analogue contact tracing, but generally do not provide a high level of data protection for them (see e.g. LucaTrack).
In contrast to these systems for users, Zilp-Zalp primarily relies on an analogue, paper-based form of contact tracking, which also works without technical knowledge, offers a very high level of data protection and is uncomplicated to use. This form of contact tracking is also more accessible and usable by almost everyone. Only the one-time initialization process requires a user to use a web application; this process can also be made accessible to almost everyone with the support of third parties.
For operators of localities (restaurants, pubs, etc.), on the other hand, Zilp-Zalp creates opportunities to carry out visit documentation asynchronously (e.g. daily). This is enormously important for many operators, as they do not always have the necessary infrastructure to carry out direct documentation or it is not logistically possible (e.g. at large events). Here, too, Zilp-Zalp tries to innovatively combine analogue processes with technological solutions.
In contrast to "self-check-in" systems, Zilp-Zalp also offers hardly any attack surface for misuse, as has already been demonstrated for other systems.
Finally, unlike other providers, Zilp-Zalp relies entirely on an open and federated infrastructure.