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Zilp-Zalp is an open system and can thus be easily integrated
into third-party applications. This should allow to integrate a
method for privacy-friendly and decentralized contact tracking into
existing systems (apps, tickets, etc.). This document describes the
general integration possibilities of the protocol
Preliminary note
This document generally describes integration possibilities of
Zilp-Zalp into third party systems. - However, the security and -
privacy aspects of such integration must always be considered on a
case-by-case basis using the complete system design, as integration
can lead to a weakening of the security & privacy guarantees of the
Zilp-Zalp protocol.
Integration in third party apps
In general, Zilp-Zalp QR codes can also be integrated into
existing apps. In this case, an initialization would first be
carried out via the Zilp-Zalp web application. Subsequently, the
public QR codes generated from this would be transferred via a
suitable mechanism to a smartphone app, which stores them locally
and displays them as required. As described above, time-based QR
codes can be generated in this process. However, the secret keys
remain under the control of the user. Accordingly, if the
third-party app is compromised, no personal or sensitive data can
become known. However, since the app knows all of a user's QR
codes, there is still a re-identification risk in the event that
the third-party app operator gains knowledge of all hash values
stored in the system. However, since these are processed by other
actors, the risk can be considered low. In addition, as of protocol
version 0.4, information on localities is also stored
in encrypted form and can therefore only be decrypted by health
authorities even if all visit data is published.
Integration into digital or analogue documents
Zilp-Zalp QR codes can also be integrated into other digital or
analog documents. For example, public Zilp-Zalp codes could be
integrated directly into admission tickets. In this case, the
operator who integrates this data must first initialize it together
with the user. This should ideally be done locally by integrating
the Zilp-Zalp web library, so that again secret keys remain
strictly with the user. Alternatively, the user can provide the
operator's system with an existing Zilp-Zalp QR code, which can
then be integrated into the document. This has the advantage that
the operator cannot gain knowledge of the user's secret key
material. However, since many registration scenarios already
process personal data of the user (and thus are already available
to the operator), these can also be used directly to perform an
initialization. As with integration in third-party apps, however,
the operator gains knowledge of the user's QR code and can assign
it accordingly, thus gaining knowledge of an alert for the
corresponding code and linking it to the user. Whether this risk is
justifiable must be weighed up. A modification of the tendering
process as described in protocol version 0.5 can
minimise this risk.
Zilp-Zalp is an open system and can thus be easily integrated into third-party applications. This should allow to integrate a method for privacy-friendly and decentralized contact tracking into existing systems (apps, tickets, etc.). This document describes the general integration possibilities of the protocol
Preliminary note
This document generally describes integration possibilities of Zilp-Zalp into third party systems. - However, the security and - privacy aspects of such integration must always be considered on a case-by-case basis using the complete system design, as integration can lead to a weakening of the security & privacy guarantees of the Zilp-Zalp protocol.
Integration in third party apps
In general, Zilp-Zalp QR codes can also be integrated into existing apps. In this case, an initialization would first be carried out via the Zilp-Zalp web application. Subsequently, the public QR codes generated from this would be transferred via a suitable mechanism to a smartphone app, which stores them locally and displays them as required. As described above, time-based QR codes can be generated in this process. However, the secret keys remain under the control of the user. Accordingly, if the third-party app is compromised, no personal or sensitive data can become known. However, since the app knows all of a user's QR codes, there is still a re-identification risk in the event that the third-party app operator gains knowledge of all hash values stored in the system. However, since these are processed by other actors, the risk can be considered low. In addition, as of protocol version
, information on localities is also stored in encrypted form and can therefore only be decrypted by health authorities even if all visit data is published.Integration into digital or analogue documents
Zilp-Zalp QR codes can also be integrated into other digital or analog documents. For example, public Zilp-Zalp codes could be integrated directly into admission tickets. In this case, the operator who integrates this data must first initialize it together with the user. This should ideally be done locally by integrating the Zilp-Zalp web library, so that again secret keys remain strictly with the user. Alternatively, the user can provide the operator's system with an existing Zilp-Zalp QR code, which can then be integrated into the document. This has the advantage that the operator cannot gain knowledge of the user's secret key material. However, since many registration scenarios already process personal data of the user (and thus are already available to the operator), these can also be used directly to perform an initialization. As with integration in third-party apps, however, the operator gains knowledge of the user's QR code and can assign it accordingly, thus gaining knowledge of an alert for the corresponding code and linking it to the user. Whether this risk is justifiable must be weighed up. A modification of the tendering process as described in protocol version
can minimise this risk.